We are getting geared up for round 2 of the King of Ballarat series, it’s going to be an interesting race we are sure…
After the mudfest of round 1 we are back to the other side of the car park and into the pine trees that makes Blackhill such an amazing venue.
Round 2 for King of Ballarat and we race the iconic Deep Lead track.A� For years this track has been one which riders all enjoyed for many years,A� from the ridge line through to the berms,A� the roots and the roller coaster.
The Deep Lead track is waiting for riders on the 26th and 27th of July.
This year sees a number of changes to the trail.A� New B and C lines give riders a different choice should they not take that famous roots section. The B line is exceptionally good fun as it gives you the chance to let it go and chuck some soft juicy loam about. The roots them selves have been slightly changed as the entrance into is been slightly reduced, making riders look at multiple options to keep away from going down.A� Word has it that some riders are boosting the lot.
Kyle Coutts showing how it is done, not even touching the roots here!
The biggest change is the roller coaster, which was rebuilt over 12 months ago,A� to become a wood feature.A� Unfortunately this will not be in use as the B line (dubbed the Mini Stockade)A� received a make over of late makes for a different ending to this much loved track.
A slightly different finishing section is in store for the riders this year just to keep things interesting.
We know all riders look forward to this track and with so many great vantage points,A� this is one to come watch.A� Lets hope the weather behaves. On that note we will leave you with the course ride, hold on as none other than ‘Claudio Clauori’ takes you down the track…
James Tamanika tucking into the mud ridden bottom section of the track.
It’s not called Club Mud for nothing. Round 1 of the King of Ballarat was truly a Club Mud event with over 20mm of rain hitting the clay packed Open Cut Trail. Saturday’s unofficial practice was a mixed day, with a number of soles braving the sub 10 degree temps and harsh winds to get on track and work out the fastest and safest lines in the buttery mess that was in some of the sections of the track. With the official sponsor, Trials Bike, running shuttles in the afternoon, riders started to find their lines and put together their runs for the following day.
Last years overall champ Damon Coutts takes the A line Gap as he was looking to hold onto that Number 1 plate.
As the sun set, the rain came with showers through out the night and the early morning. As the track started to fill up with more and more water, the riders started to rethink their lines. Particularly in the flatter sections where keeping your speed meant keeping the mud out of your gearing and drive train, but did nothing for your clothes, helmets and goggles. Key highlights on track would have to be the new top rock garden which now offered riders a choice of 3 lines in this section. This took a few of the riders eye as a lack speed into the gap left a few bent (or broken) rear rims, plus some of the riders just “like it rough”. The new 40 foot table top was not an option as riders used a variance of techniques on both the A and B lines to keep speed into and use the downside to get up through the iconic wall ride and into the bottom section.
Injury hasn’t held this guy back. On the bike after 12 months away, Trant Beacom flairs the gap A line on his way to a second place finish in A grade.
Once racing started, the rain backed off and riders enjoyed the looseness of the track in front of them. The track help up well considering and this is down to the tireless work, done by the Club Mud team lead by President Jason Weston and treasurer (and senior track builder) Graeme Coutts. Trent Piribouer sat in the top spot for both runs, and eventually took the overall in the men’s Elite from an injury returned Trant Beacom, and young pinner Lauchlan Gibson. Tori Bilney braved all the elements to be the only woman rave enough to tackle the track, and take out the women’s Elite. It should also be said that for the first time since… forever, a Coutts rider didn’t make the top 3 but being locals, no doubt all three will be out for revenge come round 2.
‘Cause I like it rough!!!
Racing was tight in the other categories too, with Angus Penton (u15’s), Jesse Plumridge (Over 35’s), Brandon Kidd (DGrade), Christopher Richards (CGrade), Liam Thomas (BGrade) all coming away with victories.
Rocky Mountain… More like Muddy Hill!Wet and slippery conditions had riders looking at all the lines, event the illegal ones… Oh Scotty!
All in all, people were having fun with over 70+ people attending to race in the very Ballarat-esk Wintery conditions. The event was also extremely well managed as riders got ample runs in practice time before lunch, and racing was proficient in getting riders through both race runs quickly and safely. Big thanks to the Club Mud team for a great start to the series, also thanks to City of Ballarat, Tourisum Ballarat, Major Sponsor TrailsBike.com.au, and Track X for all the support.
The young pinner, Mitchell Tamanika, was fast through the rocks all weekend.Out from behind the camera for a change, Campbell “CamJam” James tries the off camber before the top rock garden.
Women: Tori Bilney
Under-15: 3rd, Jay Cottrell, 2nd, Adam Treveyan, 1st, Angus Penton
Over-35: 3rd, Andrew Barlow, 2nd, Justin Romanowicz, 1st, Jesse Plumridge
D-grade: 3rd, Jarryd Adaway, 2nd, Jack Reid, 1st, Brandon Kidd
C-grade: 3rd, James Climas, 2nd, Jack Webster, 1st, Christopher Richards
B-grade: 3rd, Hugh Jones, 2nd, Nick Van Lier, 1st, Liam Thomas
A-grade: 3rd, Lachlan Gibson, 2nd, Trant Beacom, 1st, Trent Piribouer
Knolly Knations rider Nick Van Lier gets through the new rock section relatively cleanly.
Good old ‘Open Cut’ will be the first cab of the rank this series. Image: Jason Stevens Photography
It is that time again folks, time for KOB – King Of Ballarat, traditionally the preseason of racing in Victoria (just like Sea Otter is on the international scene) is upon us again. The races are held in Ballarat (surprise surprise!), just over an hour out of Melbourne and is made up of 3 rounds, all over short course downhill tracks.A�For round one Club Mud is using ‘Open Cut’,A�a mix of chalk and clay, its dusty in the dry, and claggy in the wet. Either way riders always love riding this track! There are a few track changes for 2014; there is a rock garden in the top section, a new heavily fortified berm called the stockade (very Ballarat), a ‘big jump’ which is all we will say about that for now and a few small changes to the bottom section! We are pretty excited for 2014 asA�this season looks to be one of the most exciting, and riders will all enjoy the tracks laid out by the trail builders. Downhill247.com will be bringing you some exclusive images and race reports from the series so keep your eyes peeled, for dates, locations etc. just head over to the Club Mud Facebook page here. For now check out this video fromA�Claudio Calouri, the course preview master;
A pretty unique event and some pretty unique terrain!
The King Of Ballarat (KOB) is a pretty unique little event/series, held in – wait for it – Ballarat it has been going on for around 12 years now! To make up for the short race runs riders do two runs of one of the tracks at Black Hill depending on which round it is and there are three rounds in the series.
99 Racers entered the race, almost cracked the ton!
Categories are a little different from many races but the A results overall looked like this;
1. Beacom Trant 1:54.931
2. Thomas Dion 1:56.194 + 1.263
3. Coutts Kyle 1:58.270 + 3.339
4. Coutts Damon 1:59.180 + 4.249
5. Coutts Darcy 1:59.871 + 4.940
With the weather being questionable in the week leading up to the event it was good to see it all stay okay for racing.A casual event but one the riders enjoy.We have seen a few team changes recently and some similar old partnerships. Regardless of your set up case if your run wasn’t 100% you could lose just a small amount of time but lots of places.A bit of style to finish it off!