National Champs is here! Adelaide has turned onA�its hottest temperature in weeks just for the riders, it always seems to be hot for National Champs. Already after a few days of practice the track has started to blow out with dust and ruts forming all the way down. Changes aren’t too drastic from last years track, the biggest issues for riders seems to be the heat, plenty of riders’ have already tasted Eagle dust!

Apart from the racers who have been competing in the National Series, a few other riders such as Kovarik, Atkinson andA�Graves are here to throw down a solid time. Local rider Troy Brosnan, who has dominated the National Series, looks super impressive! Junior Men is a little harder to predict, reigning National ChampA�Connor Fearon would have to be favourite but it’s all so tight.

Seeding is tomorrow afternoon, temperatures are set to stay high all weekend so this may also become a race of attrition! Whatever the case it’s going to be interesting.

FullA�report to come after tomorrow’s seeding.