After some early season venue shuffling, Sunday the 16th of August saw riders heading toA�Beerburrum in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland for Round 6 of the series run by the Da��Aguilar RangeA�Cycling Club (DRCC). This venue is often met with mixed opinions and some of the more skilledA�racers wonder if ita��s worthy of the term a�?downhilla�� with the riders gaining minimal elevation on theA�shuttles up to the start gate. However this lack of elevation and technical terrain gives youngerA�riders and some of the less confident women a chance to hit some higher speeds and build someA�confidence for the final round and then the end-of-year goal of state champs. Entry costs wereA�slashed right down to $20 for U/15 and U/17 which no doubt was partly the reason for the bigA�turnout of the next generation of champions.

The drop-in from the start is relatively straight forward, a few small down slopes that riders try toA�pump or pre-jump to transfer down for some extra speed mixed with some turns and jumps, thisA�continues for a few hundred metres until riders reach the much talked about blown out corners.

translated into the win for Elite Men.

After this initial part of the track the pedalling starts, and it doesna��t end until the finish for the fastest riders. Thata��s part of the beauty of this track, the lack of technical difficulty may make it seemA�boring to some racers but in a racing sense the course is almost unbeatable for the battle to beA�had between competitors as the times are so tight at the end of the day. Riders have to create theirA�own momentum for any jumps or small rock sections throughout the remainder of the course.

without a layer of loose dust and marbly gravel which kept the riders on their toes.

The final third of the track is where riders initially start to get a small amount of gravity-fed speed inA�the form of some small rock drops but then ita��s straight into the pedal-strokes again through anA�endless array of turns where exit speed is key to getting through them smoothly.

podium, or thisa��

Whiting ripping up the course aboard his 29er Remedy.
The track then opens up to the most prominent vertical descent of the course where riders get aA�chance to get a bit creative with their line choice in an effort to hit the final long flat section with asA�much speed as possible.

there is plenty of different lines to separate the best from the rest.

The final section of the track is where riders aim to stay off the brakes as much as possible and putA�in some final cranks to keep their momentum through the small drops and jumps before a final setA�of turns and the last minute dash to the line.

and he managed to climb to the top in U/19s on the day for his first win of the series.

Ben Power.

Round 6 saw Ben Power claim his 5th win of the season (after 5 starts) in Elite Men and no doubt ifA�he hadna��t have missed a round earlier in the year he would have an unassailable points lead but asA�it currently stands there are a few riders like Ryan Leutton and Jacob Reeves who have theA�possibility of overtaking him in the overall at the final round in a few weeks time if he slips up.

Images and report: Cooper Messery Photography (FacebookA�hereA�or Instagram @cooper_messery)
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