Another sunny day in Champery, race day tomorrow is not forecast to be so good!
Today was definitely a case of a�?the calm before the storma�� a quick practice session in the morning and the day was done, no major incidents across the board to report. It should be clarified that yesterdays timed session will not have a bearing on the riders start order, this order is based on their personal and country ranking. This rule helps ensure riders of equal skill and speed compete in similar conditions. Of course, no one can predict the weather which can wreak havoc with this idea. Continue reading “Champery 3rd September World Championships”→
Things got serious with today's timed session! Still, a lot of the juniors had time to add some style to their runs.
Today was the official timed session and it brought with it a few surprises. First of though was practice, this was held in the morning before the timed session. The whole practice session (and timed session) was held on a drier track than yesterday, in fact, no rain fell the whole day. Continue reading “Champery 2nd September World Championships – Timed Practice”→
The 1st day of Autumn in the Alps has brought rain! The rain, thunder and lightning came into Champery overnight (24 hours earlier than predicted) and whilst the rain was not super heavy itA�totally changed theA�track. Continue reading “Champery 1st September World Championships”→
Danny Hart has a lot of support with the locals and this track suits his aggressive style. Photo AD.
The biggest race of the year has arrived! Champery, Switzerland is the host for the 21st World Championships. The course is legendary amongst spectators and riders alike, it is one of the steepest tracks on the face of the planet, with an average gradient of 37%. The last World Cup round in Val Di Sole was an average of 30% and that is one of the steeper tracks. Walking the track is made easier by the fact steps have been carved into the hill side otherwise it would be a mammoth effort just to walk down. The steepness of the hill just does not stop, there are no flat sections for riders to relax and take it easy. Continue reading “Champery 31st August 2011 World Championships”→