Rumours had been flying for some time before the race and most people were expectingA�Kona to bring out their new toy. Under Connor Fearon Kona debuted their new bike right here in Australia, with Connor flying the flag for the company this year at World Cups the new Operator is going to help Connor to progress. Now we would love to do a full blown interview with Kona and Connor but unfortunately their instructions are to remain tight lips until April, Connor has opened up with some valuable information regarding the bike including that and we quote; “the head angle will be between 60 and 70 degrees” and that it weighs the same amount as a few bags of potatoes” (non cooked still in the bag in case you are wondering!) It was good to see Connor taking a fun approach when being asked about the bike at the race!

There are a few things we do know though;
– The frame will have 200mm ofA�travel and is made up of a carbon front triangle with aluminium rear stays.
– The head angle between “60 -70 degrees” is likely to be 64!
– A few nice little detailsA�that a lot ofA�bikes are nowA�featuring include the integrated bump stops and internal cable routing (with the option of being able to run them externally).
– Interestingly the bike will have a 104mm press fit bottom bracket as well as the standard ISCG05 chain guide mounts and a 12x157mm rear axle spacing.

Connor heads off to Sea Otter in just over a month it will be interesting to see what else gets revealed there.
Images: Jason Stevens