Inside Info: Ancillotti Bikes

Proud company owner Tomaso Ancillotti poses' with Rhys Willemse's World Champs bike. You know it's a good sign when you find a dedicated, enthusiastic company owner at the races helping the team and his riders. Passion is a word that comes to mind immediately.

A�The name Ancillotti Bikes may not immediately ring bells in your head but you may be surprised to know they are multiple World Championship winning bikes. Admittedly Ancillotti are a small companyA�focusing on custom hand built bikesA�but as they point out, no Formula 1 car or Moto GP bike comes out of a mass produced factory so why should high end downhill bikes? We have a look at one of the most unique bikes and companys in the World.

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Inside Info: Mavic

The Mavic set up for the World Championships' ensured riders could keep on riding!

It is always good to see manufacturers stand behind their product and provide support at races for everyone, not just the pros. Especially at a race like World Championships, where not every rider is riding for a big budget factory team. Lets have a closerA�look at the Mavic set up.
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